Category: Travel


As our flight to Tokyo was not until midnight we still had a full day to explore Hanoi. We left our bags at the hotel and headed off for what would be a long...

Ninh Binh Tour

For our last full day in Vietnam we had booked a day’s outing to Ninh Binh incorporating Trang An, Bai Dinh and Mua Cave. We were picked up very early in morning at our...

Hoi An

Today we flew to Hoi An from Hanoi. The flight to Da Nang airport was uneventful apart form a brief few minutes in Hanoi airport where I had misplaced my passport. Fortunately it turned...

Glasgow to Hanoi

We had chosen to fly direct from Glasgow to Dubai and then on to Hanoi to avoid the need to change in London. We had a couple of hours in Dubai airport and even...

General Comments

General Comments

Planning I spent many months planning the trip.  Once I had worked out the best times for the cherry blossom, and booked the flights I then planned the itinerary. Again I have to thank...

Vietnam and Japan Trip

Recently my partner Alison and I went on a fantastic vacation to Vietnam and Japan. I did all of the planning for the trip but I was very much helped by the numerous other...